The Dilemma of Enquiry and Learning March 22, 2022 Dag Forssell Books Hugh G. Petrie “I think that this book will be ‘compulsory reading’ in graduate schools of education around the country, and that it will arouse a vigorous and healthy controversy by shaking people out of unexamined assumptions and compelling them to rethink stale issues in fresh terms”.Stephen Toulmin © 1981, 2011 Hugh G. Petrie. 252 pages, 6.7 x 9.6 inches, illustrated. Living Control Systems Publishing, Hayward, CA. Paperback: ISBN 978-0-9740155-3-8 Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-938090-04-2 DilemmaEnquiryLearningPetrie2011Download bookeducationLCSscience
Bill Powers Experience, Reality, and HPCT April 17, 2022 Dag Forssell Bill Powers, Papers, PCT A short post to CSGnet on how we think about our senses, our experiences, and how we draw conclusions about the reality we live in (or whether we think we observe reality directly and merely need to report what we observe. […]
Education Is Countercontrol the Key to Understanding Chronic Behavior Problems? July 27, 2016 WM Education, Papers, Psychology & Mental Health Timothy A. Carey and W. Thomas Bourbon
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