A short post to CSGnet on how we think about our senses, our experiences, and how we draw conclusions about the reality we live in (or whether we think we observe reality directly and merely need to report what we observe.
Martin Taylor (1993) OCR from scan of South African Journal of Psychology, 1973, 3, 23-45 M.M.TAYLOR. DCIEM, Box 2000, Downsview, Ontario ABSTRACT In J. G. Taylor’s Behavioural Theory of Perception there is a problem in […]
Hugh G. Petrie “I think that this book will be ‘compulsory reading’ in graduate schools of education around the country, and that it will arouse a vigorous and healthy controversy by shaking people out of […]
If you are going to reverse engineer and then simulate living organisms and how they move about, it is important to simulate all the physics correctly, such as the ray tracing included in the Little Man. Here is a paper that offers significant improvements regarding simulating the actions of muscles. […]