Online conference from Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th of October 2022
Presenters have probed important questions for Perceptual Control Theory, including: How can PCT inform the design of education? How do we make decisions? How can we model consciousness?
In a special discussion session, Warren Mansell, Sari Goldstein, Liam Mason, Paul Cisek, Rutger Goekoop, Adam Safron, and others have shown us how to relate predictive processing to Perceptual Control Theory.
The conference provided ample opportunities to learn more about Method of Levels (MOL) therapy, in either Spanish, English or Dutch in small breakout groups. For those of us who know a lot about PCT, but little about MOL, we have provide a PCT-expert introduction to MOL.
- Session 1: Perceptual Functions
- Erling O. Jorgensen – Stacking & Tracking Campfire Perceptual Input Functions: How Does the Image Evolve?
- Bruce Nevin – Go Configure
- Eva de Hullu – Principle control as the control of intrinsic variables
- Session 2: Consciousness & Prediction
- Rupert Young – Consciousness: The Control of Quality.
- Predictive Processing Theories and Perceptual Control Theory: A Discussion
- Session 3: Computational Modelling of Multiple Agents
- Kent McClelland – A Fresh Look at Collective Control and Conflict
- Roger K. Moore – Communication in Cooperation: a PCT perspective
- Session 4: Method of Levels
- Matias Salgado – Method of Levels (MOL) training: trials and errors
- Open Forum: Starting with Method of Levels (MOL): whys and hows (¿Cómo y por qué empezar con MOL?)
- Session 5: Education
- Eetu Pikkarainen – The Problem of Choice
- Hugo Cristo Sant’Anna – A PCT-based approach to teaching and learning how to program
- John Kirkland et al – A PCT Approach for Deliberately Nurturing Nature in Educational Institutions
- Session 6: Innovations in Method of Levels
- Aimee Wrightson- Hester – MYLO: An Artificial, Text-Based Emulation of Method of Levels – Latest Developments
- Susan McCormack – Not Elective Use – A Transdiagnostic Approach to Support Different Clients and Contexts
- Michael Landman – Method of Levels: Therapist Curiosity and Conversational Structure
- Eva de Hullu – Enhancing MOL Adherence
This conference was organized by the iapct board: Warren Mansell, Eva de Hullu, Bruce Nevin, Matias Salgado, Richard Pfau. Contact us through iapctconference@googlegroups.com.
Talks have been recorded and the link has been sent to registered participants. If you are interested in viewing a recording but weren’t registered, please contact Eva.