7 – 9 October 2021
IAPCT conference
Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) is the science of purpose: how living things use their actions to produce intended results in an unpredictably changing environment. The technical term for this is control. PCT provides a unified and comprehensive theory and research methodology for the many sciences of life, including biology, ethology, neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, and sociology, among others.
Each presenter’s field poses unique challenges in identifying and testing controlled perceptual variables, and unique opportunities for reconceptualizing observational and experimental methods and data of the field and doing truly pioneeering work. Every field presents challenges communicating with those who do not perceive the phenomenon of control, and opportunities for cross-disciplinary research and discovery that becomes possible with the life sciences all working on a common theoretical, mathematical, and methodological foundation. Session topics include neurophysiology, computer modeling, robotics, and applications of PCT in psychotherapy and in education.
Participants usually are from many different time zones extending from Holland across the United States to New Zealand. This year we’ll meet at an online conference using Zoom.

Conference Schedule
The 31st meeting of the International Association for Perceptual Control Theory (IAPCT), formerly known as the Control Systems Group (CSG), has taken place online from Thursday through Saturday, 7 to 9 October 2021. Our 2022 conference will be planned soon and announced on this website and the discourse forum.