
PCT Conversations

PCT conversations: small online group meetings to discuss topics related to PCT or from a PCT standpoint. Join in to share your questions, ideas, research, and experiences with PCT. This can include a broad range […]


Understanding and Changing the Things You Do

“Wow.  I am impressed with this book!  It is comprehensive, neatly structured, and provides a great scientific context for introducing Perceptual Control Theory to the layperson.  The explanation builds up gradually over the chapters.  Fantastic.” – Warren Mansell, DPhil, DClinPsy, CPsychol […]


Quick guide to getting started with PCT

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) has been around for over 50 years, leaving a trail of papers, books, websites, posts, conversations, videos all over the web. This is a quick guide to get started with the most basic materials: introductory texts, books, demonstrations, papers, websites and finding others interested in PCT. Welcome! […]


IAPCT conference

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) is the science of purpose: how living things use their actions to produce intended results in an unpredictably changing environment. The technical term for this is control. PCT provides a unified and […]